I really enjoy quality buffets. I remember when I was a kid the I took the concept of "all you can eat" to heart. Whenever we get to eat in a buffet, I made sure that I was really hungry beforehand and probably skip a meal to do that. Then I would try to stuff myself with as much food as I can regardless if the food I am eating is good or just ok (ofcourse I wouldn't eat it if it were bad). So to feel that I get my moneys worth, the more you eat, the better.
Now that I am older and probably have been more exposed to what good food taste like, when I search for good buffets, I look for quality not quantity. This means that one should look for a buffet that tries very hard to make sure that each dish that they bring out will not disappoint. One such buffet is Kuishinbo.
Sushi and Sashimi Bar.
At the time of writing this, I can safely say that this is the best salmon and tuna sashimi I have tasted in my life. The taste is just so clean and it all tastes super fresh. Sushi selection is limited but I did like the few that I've tasted. Again, quality over quantity.
Tuna sashimi, salmon sashimi, tuna belly sushi and california maki (clockwise) |
Shrimp Tempura and others.
I dont know if I was just really hungry when I was having their tempura but for me its one of the best I have tasted. Its light, crispy and you can really taste the shrimp. Im sure you have tasted the tempura batter with a bit of shrimp version. Another great thing about it is its not oily. Very addictive. The tempura alone makes everything worth it.
Another food item I liked very much was the soft shell crab. It was very rich, crispy and had a lot of crab flavor. I hope its not seasonal and when I come back they still have this on their buffet.
The octopus was a bit on the chewy side for me. I don't eat octopus very often so I don'w know if its supposed to be like that.
The chicken teriyaki was very nice. The teriyaki sauce was very balanced, not overly sweet. The chicken was tender and flavorful.
shrimp tempura, octopus, chicken teriyaki, kani salad and soft shell crab tempura (clockwise) |
Dessert Station.
Their dessert station was a big surprise to me. I was thinking maybe 5-10 dessert items tops that would consist of cake, maybe some ice cream (store bought), unfamiliar (to me) japanese pastries then coffee or green tea. But when I got there, I didn't know what to get first - there were so many items to choose from!
I didn't get to chance to take a picture of the whole dessert area (maybe I will add it in the future). For now, heres a shot of my selection of their desserts. I wont be able to describe every single dessert on the plate but I must say that all of their desserts on this plate was at least ok. Nothing was particularly bad or inedible. We finished the whole plate so I guess that proves my point.
I do want to mention a few items that stand out as "better than ok".
First, is the spicy chocolate bar. Its the small block of chocolate with red markings (a little right from the center of the plate). This was new for me because I have never tasted a chocolate dessert that was spicy. It was a very pleasant experience to have that heat develop a few seconds after you have had it in our mouth.
Second, is the chocolate cake. This piece is located at the right most part of the plate (obviously the brown one). This had a nice texture, not too sweet, and very chocolatey.
Last is the Creme Brulee. I liked the texture of this very much because they stayed true to what a creme brulee should have, a hard caramel top. One of the worst things you can have for dessert is creme brulee that doesn't have a crunch factor to it.
creme brulee, mango cheesecake, blueberry cheesecake, eclair, moon cake, spicy chocolate bar, chocolate cake |
The second plate I had from the dessert are is more of my "coffee and ice cream" plate. So the items I chose was supposed to compliment my cup of coffee. Most of them were on my previous plate which kinda shows which ones I like since this is my second trip to get them.
The worst dessert that I have tasted in this place was the one in the glass container. I didn't know what that was supposed to be but it wasn't good. It had some sort of gelatine blobs on top and another layer of fruit "gel" at the bottom. The whole thing tasted like crap to me. The dessert item that really made my day was their yoghurt ice cream. It was super smooth and had very balanced flavors (not too sweet and not too tangy). I had two servings of that which was well worth the calories.
cappucino, yoghurt ice cream, chocolate cake, eclair, weird dessert in glass |
I wish I had taken more photos of my buffet experience in Kuishinbo and I hope that I can do so in the near future. This was my first trip and it was a very pleasurable experience. Even though the amount of choices they had weren't that many compared to hotel buffets and other huge buffet places, it was still big enough for me not to be able to taste everything. I think I wasn't even close.
I will definitely be back so next time I will focus more on the other items I wasn't able to taste and take more photos. Till next time.
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